


University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Ph.D., Linguistics, 2024
M.A., Linguistics, 2016

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
B.A. (First Class Honours), Linguistics & Multilingual Studies

Download complete CV


Khoo, V. (2023). Voicing Singlish from the “Middle”: Indexical Hybridities of Class, Race, Language, and Singaporeanness. [Special issue, “Toward a Non-binary Semiotics of Intersectionality: Linguistic Anthropology in the Wake of Coloniality”, edited by Jay Ke-Schutte and Joshua Babcock]. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. [Download]

Khoo, V. (2019). “Ownself Check Ownself”: The Role of Singlish Humor in the Rise of the Opposition Politician in Singapore. Colorado Research in Linguistics 24. [Download]

Stenzel, K. & Khoo, V. (2016). Linguistic Hybridity: A Case Study in the Kotiria community. Critical Multilingualism Studies. 4(2), 75-110. [Download]

Khoo, V. (2015). Simultaneous Indexicalities: Linguistic Variation in Political Speech in Singapore. Texas Linguistics Forum 58: 71-80. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Symposium about Language and Society in Austin, April 17-18, 2015. [Download]

Academic Service

Co-Organizer / Liaison to the Society for Linguistic Anthropology
2019-2022, Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA) Spring Conference 2022, Boulder, CO

Co-Lead Organizer, Talking Politics Webinar Series
2020, Co-organized by the Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA), CU Boulder Program for Culture, Language, and Social Practice (CLASP), and UChicago Center for the Study of Communication and Society (CSCS)

Organizing Committee Member
2015, Program for Culture, Language and Social Practice (CLASP) IV Conference, CU Boulder

Lead Graduate Coordinator
2013-2014, LING 1900 Linguistics Practicum
Lead program coordinator for LING 1900, a literacy practicum for undergraduate students.


118th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
20th – 24th November 2019 @ Vancouver, B.C.
Panel Co-organizer – Language and Middle Classness: New Directions in Sociocultural Linguistic Research
Presenter – Singlish spoken through the middle class

Society for Linguistic Anthropology Inaugural Spring Meeting
8th – 10th March 2018 @ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Panel co-organizer – English’s Others: Problems with ‘Complexity’ and ‘Hybridity’
Presenter – Tidying up” hybridity: the enregisterment of Singlish through metadiscourse

116th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
29th Nov – 3rd December 2017 @ Washington, D.C.
Presenter – The enregisterment of Singlish through the listening subject

15th International Pragmatics Association Conference
16th – 21st July 2017 @ Belfast, Northern Ireland
Presenter – The role of Singlish humor in the rise of the opposition in Singapore

12th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian studies
24th – 28th July 2017 @ Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Presenter – The role of Singlish humor in the rise of the opposition in Singapore

114th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
18-22 November 2015 @ Denver, Colorado
Panel Organizer — Localizing globalization: Language in the nation-state
Presenter — The listening subject in defining the Singapore politician

WAIL (Workshop on American Indigenous Languages)
8-9 May, 2015 @ UC Santa Barbara, California
Co-Presenter — Linguistic hybridity in the Kotiria community
(with Dr Kristine Stenzel, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

SALSA XXIII (23rd Symposium about Language and Society-Austin): Language and Borders
17-18 April, 2015 @ UT Austin, Texas
Presenter — Simultaneous indexicalities: Linguistic variation in political speech in Singapore

Dialogue in multilingual, multimodal and multicompetent communities of practice workshop
22-24 March, 2013 @ UT Austin, Texas
Presenter — Identity construction in conversation: the sia particle in Singapore Colloquial English